HAI Wireless Driveway Sensor/ Iris Scanning

Eye Scanning Improves Security While Minimizing Inconvenience to Travelers

The iris scanning system improves security while minimizing inconvenience to travelers. The system uses the iris as a way of recognizing people who use it. This system is mostly used in the UK. Their are only a select few airports within the United States that use this system with talk of more on the way. The system takes a picture of the eye and analyzes its variations then saves it within the database in a file about 512 bytes. A person coming up to the system would simply look into the device and within seconds the system will recognize that person based on the features of their iris which is unique in every eye using a monochrome camera. The system takes into consideration normal changes that occur. They have tested the system with contacts that have irides printed on them and the system easily detected that they were fake. This iris recognition system can be used for many other applications besides checking people at the airports. They have buildings that require the iris scan, a bank in England uses the iris system instead of a pin at the ATM. This technology could become more widespread in the years to come.

Debut of Wireless Driveway Sensor
The driveway sensor is a sensor that can detect metal objects that are moving by it. It can be linked to the lighting system so the flood lights will come on when a car is entering the driveway. It could also be linked to a surveillance system so the video will start recording once a vehicle passes it.  There are no wires that have to be dug into the ground back to the system or anything. It can be mounted on the wall or on a stake in the ground. They are not too expensive with prices ranging from $150 to $240.